Music Industry Therapists - Guide To Anxiety Relief and Self Isolation
WebsiteThis guide is a free, supportive resource geared towards helping you move through the bizarre,
surreal and anxiety-provoking circumstances we find ourselves in due to covid-19. It’s been put
together by Tamsin Embleton, an ex-venue/festival booker turned psychotherapist
who specialises in working with musicians & music industry professionals.
UMAW: Supporting Survivors
We all have a role in making spaces safer.
Someone else’s bad behavior isn’t your fault, but you might be in a unique position to make the situation better.
If you feel lost after getting a complaint of harm, here’s a simple place to start. Created by the UMAW Venues Subcommittee in solidarity with all survivors.
Studierendenberatung AT - Was versteht man unter einer Krise
Eine Krise im psychosozialen Sinn besteht im Verlust des seelischen Gleichgewichts, wenn ein Mensch mit Ereignissen oder Lebensumständen konfrontiert wird, die er im Augenblick nicht bewältigen kann. (…)
Video: Sheffield Hallam University - Grounding - techniques to manage strong emotions
A Sheffield Hallam Wellbeing Practitioner talks through two grounding techniques.Learn to manage strong emotion by bringing yourself back into the here and now. 5-4-3-2-1 and drawing around your hand and associating pleasant sensory experiences with each finger.
Calm - 18 grounding techniques to help relieve anxiety
“When you’re experiencing anxiety, grounding techniques can help. We share a mix of mental and physical grounding techniques to help ease anxiety in the moment.”
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